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Bitcoin Magazine
2019-01-03 04:24:00

Welcome to the reGenesis of Bitcoin Magazine!

On December 4, 2018, our CEO, David Bailey, made an exciting announcement: Bitcoin Magazine would be returning to its roots and shifting its focus to Bitcoin-related stories only. As the title of his blog post states, we intend to “Make Bitcoin Fun Again.”What does this mean?To begin with, we are delighted to unveil this beautifully redesigned and reimagined Bitcoin Magazine website with some cool new features including original artwork, a block explorer, an expanded guide section, and a general new flow to how you’ll see and interact with the content. We will be adding many more fresh, new elements and improvements in the coming days.Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Bitcoin network’s launch. For Bitcoin Magazine (and our parent company BTC Inc), we saw this anniversary of the birth of Bitcoin as “a fresh chance for each of us to reimagine the narrative of digital value and manifest our response to the question: ‘Why does this technology matter?’”The best way for us to serve the Bitcoin community in its quest for the answer to this question is to return to the genesis of Bitcoin, its community, and our own history.What better time to launch this renewed vision of Bitcoin Magazine than on the anniversary of Bitcoin’s Genesis Block, when Satoshi’s white paper actually graduated from an idea to a reality?What You Can Expect From Bitcoin MagazineBitcoin Magazine is staffed by journalists and editors ...